Tell me about your crush/girlfriend/partner!

This is my first post and I'm rubbish with words but she deserves to be talked about: We're both each other's first girl friend. We've been dating for like 4 months. She said she'd take thing chill with me because first relationships are scary and now I've never felt more comfortable with anyone nor have I ever crushed so fucking hard on anyone. She wants to do physics at university and she taking really hard subjects like maths and chemistry. (I more artsy) She's got super curly brown hair which falls so adorably and like me she's got pale Irish skin (both our families are Irish). She's beyond cute, and such a nerd. She never swears yet I do constantly lol. She hates coffee and I love it, yet nearly every date we've got coffee. She's always seems lost in thought and I don't find our silences uncomfortable, she's rubbish at texting and I'm never off my phone. Every moment I m not with her I think of her and when I am with her it's one massive calming effect. I've never been so scared of how someone makes me feel, coz I've never felt like this.

/r/actuallesbians Thread