
They didn't assume it was a bomb, they thought it could potentially be part of a bomb. That is significantly different

So they didn't assume it was a bomb, they assumed it was a part of a bomb, but with different wording. Nice cop-out.

Only, the "part of a bomb" part is bullshit. ONE teacher said it looked like the infrastructure for a bomb.

Here are what others had to say:

“it looks like a bomb,”

“ ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’”

“It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car."

And then there's the fact that they considered it a bomb hoax, after the fact.

The police asked him questions, which is perfectly legal, while gathering information. After talking to him and him not explaining why he had or why he built it after roughly an hour, then they took him into custody.

And were his parents present?

The bomb hoax was most logical explanation because he wouldn't give them any information aside from "it's a clock"

Wrong again. He showed it to a couple of his teachers first, and told them exactly what it was, and that he built it.

Lastly, he wasn't showing it off. He showed it to his Engineering teacher

And his English teacher. Either way, showing it to people, showing it off, it's semantics. He showed it to two teachers and told them what it was.

who could easily recognize a clock but also told Ahmed not to show anyone else because of what it looked like.

It's not his problem if people don't know what the hell a bomb looks like. By that logic, we should arrest everyone in possession of scrap electronics.

The only reason his English teacher saw it was because it beeped in his bag and she wanted to know what it was. He wasn't flaunting it. Your facts are all over the place.

The teacher heard the alarm, and he showed her. Usually, when an alarm goes off on a bomb, it's quite different than a run of the mill alarm clock. Again, not his fault that his teacher was as dumb-fuck.

People shouldn't be arrested because some scared loony thinks every brown person they see is a terrorist.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com