A Texas teacher had a 7th grade girl kill a rabbit during class by beating it to death over a metal pole. The school punished the child recording the incident [video of incident]

Worst of all? It was the Easter Bunny.

Apologies. This is appalling. Apparently, this was a class on 'outdoor survival', however as a parent I would expect a teacher to send a letter, requiring parent signature, regarding such a brutal murder of a rabbit.

“The father of the girl in the video showed the video to the principal and superintendent, not to get my daughter in trouble, but to bring attention to what occurred in the video to them. He thought the assignment was very inhumane, as it is in my eyes, my daughter’s eyes, and, honestly, anyone we have talked to about this incident.”

Bowling explained the video was taken during an outdoor education class that educates students on survival, shelter and fire building, as well as the harvesting and processing different breeds of animals.

An outdoor education class. I wonder how many parents would have consented, had they been forewarned. I would not have permitted such a demonstration for my child.

/r/news Thread Link - axahachietx.com