Texting a girl nearly everyday, sometimes intimately, but she doesn't want a relationship right now

Look friend,

I'm not going to claim that I know you, her, your situation, or anything of the sort. But let me tell you a little story about myself that may sound a bit familiar.

I met a girl. She was gorgeous, funny, witty, incredibly sweet. Honestly, she was the total package. I put her on her pedestal, and if we're being frank she's still there. I took her out on a date, then another. She told me that she wasn't interested in a relationship, with anyone. But, well... I wasn't convinced.

Over the next couple of months we became friends. Incredibly good friends. We were insanely close. We shared all sorts of details about each others lives, I told her things that I rarely told other people. We flirted. We snapped chatted. We sent well over a thousand text messages a week. I fell in love. She knew it. Our friends knew it. She wasn't interested in a relationship.

I became convinced that if I was just a little bit more interesting, that if I could just convince her that I was the missed connection, that she'd see that I was the one for her.

Long story short, she remained uninterested in a relationship but I remained hung up on a girl who was (albeit she was an excellent friend) a dead end romantically. It hurt for quite awhile. We no longer talk. It ruined our friendship because I didn't know how to move on.

If she wanted to date you. If she truly wanted to be intimate in a relationship-esque manner. Then she would let you know. My advice to you, and I know in my heart that you're not going to follow this advice (I was there, I didn't follow the advice either), is to ask her out. Make it apparent you're asking her on a date. Like, blatantly fucking obvious that it's a date. If she turns you down..

(If you ask her and she says "I'd love to but I've got X going on that day, sorry." that's a no. Not because she's busy that day, but because she isn't interested in you. If she were interested, the conversation would go more like "I'd love to, but I've got X going on that day. How about we meet up Y day instead?". I'm telling you this because I got stuck in that trap as well, if she wants to actually do it she'll make it happen.)

..If she turns you down then you need to move on. You're doing literally nothing but hurting yourself and making it so that you're incapable of meeting and developing feelings for other people. Except that isn't even the worst part. You're romanticizing this fantasy that is just never going to happen. You've got to just, well, deal with that. You're just hurting yourself if you don't move on if you've made it apparent what you want.

However, that's that. You do you.

/r/dating_advice Thread