Im failing all of my classes and keep living in the past. I just want to fall asleep and never wake up

In my pre teens I got anxiety and constantly had panic attacks, when I became 15 years old I couldn't bear having panic attacks any more and dropped everything that I held dear to me, shortly there after I lost interest in practically everything and quit exercising. Suddenly I was 17 and had thrown away 2 years of my life while I was barely making it through school. After 2 years of chronic depression and 2 suicide attempts I finally accepted there was something wrong with me mentally. I went and talked to someone which was one of my school councilors which I recommend you to do too. It was really good to finally talk to someone about my depression since I hadn't even thought about it, constantly ignoring it and lying to myself about it. I wasn't completely honest with my school counselor though, like denying my suicidal thoughts I would get the second I woke up every morning, etcetera. But someone who became completely honest with was myself. I quit lying to myself and quit 'acting' happy which I now wished i'd done much sooner. 3 months later i'm still depressed but i'm actually making changes, very small changes but they're changes and i'm proud of them. The biggest one being my mindset.

Everything you talked about you have to quit. You can't just sit around waiting in your own depression, waiting for this to get better because it wont. I kept myself away from drinking because I knew it would just make things worse but I watched an unhealthy amount of porn and could spend hours browsing different sites. It was hard to quit since it made me forget about my depression for a while and i'm guessing alcohol does the same thing to you which is why you have to give it up.

Daydreaming about fantasies is something very unhealthy which I did to since it kept me away from facing my problems. There's nothing special going to happen to you that's going to fix what's wrong, you are the only one who can fix this and the sooner you accept that the better.

"I have nothing to look forward in life, no hobbies, interests, passions, motivation" I know exactly how you feel, and i'm not sure how to tackle this, it may sound weird but the 'interests' I started to have were taking a shower the second I woke up and taking my vitamins every day. This makes me look forward to something when I wake up every morning and I had something else to think about than my constant suicidal thoughts. Now i've made the habit to read something before I go to sleep and I try to play guitar and exercise everyday, this is extremely hard to do but it gets easier if you constantly do it every day.

Doing this is extremely hard and it won't be fun nor will you feel better the first days you start but for your own sake go through this because you don't want to waste another year of your life.

/r/depression Thread