Is there any difference in eating your daily calorie intake all at once, or spreading it out through the day?

I'm not backing this up with science but the way I go about it is the chemical digestion processes in the body is that body itself doesn't have a concept of time. Time is a concept humans have created. Of course there is circadian rhythms, which like food intake varies in individuals but I don't know how much food fits into that other than we generally eat when we wake up.

I'm not a professional fitness health eating Instagram posting fiend of the next best thing that will make you lose 15 kilos quicker than you get off the treadmill, but I do believe most people need to take a common sense approach; Think of your food as cars on the road, normally as you eat throughout the day the road runs normally and in this case the food runs through its normal chemical and mechanical processes of digestion, with your body able to absorb and secrete nutrients or the required enzymes as it needs.

If you wait till a certain time to eat most of your food, it's going to be 'rush hour' everyone's on the road and the process takes longer, your body will take shortcuts, the chemical processes can only digest so many bits of certain things in a certain time - (the human GI system is so amazing) the rest becomes waste. I've read people say certain things like 30 - 40 grams of protein every two hours etc.

It's not a bad thing, the body is very adaptive, look at people who do intermittent fasting. It's essentially what you've done. Though, I don't think the point of IF is eating Pizza.

Though, Terry Crews says it's ok. *

*Terry Crews is also probably on more steroids than the combined body weight total of every subscriber to this sub.

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