These are the rules for a university programming competition

Worse for the low-class blacks as well.

They passed a law saying businesses had to be majority black-owned, and loads of white-run small businesses were either appropriated by ANC members or shut down entirely. The black employees were out on the street, poorer than they were before and unemployed as well. They do have slightly more freedom, but not a lot, as the ANC government isn't all that democratic either.

It is, of course, true that the fact that so many businesses were white-run is due to apartheid, and that it was an unfair situation, but simply shutting them all down in one go hurt the economy bad, and such things always hurt the poorest the most.

An accompanying problem was that most black people were ill-educated (also due to apartheid), and thus unqualified to run the businesses. This is, of course, also an unfair situation, but it requires education. That particular discrepancy could've probably been solved within a generation simply by ensuring black children can go to school. It is going to take a while now, given that they've hurt the economy and that their policies have focused on taking the whites down more than raising the blacks up.

The ensuing chaos has also caused a lot of lawlessness. South Africa's murder rate is high even for Africa. And if you want to see a real 'rape culture', look no further. You could be driving through the city, stop at a stoplight, and have a bunch of criminals jump from a van, kill you, and take your stuff, in broad daylight. Again, this kind of stuff hurts the poorest the most. Nobody'll open a shop either, what's the point if you'll just get robbed and killed? This goes for black people as well, criminals don't tend to discriminate.

Ironically, the rich whites probably suffered the least. They holed up in what amount to compounds, surrounded by spiky fences and armed guards, but within those mostly got to continue their lives as they always had. (This means they even get to avoid the crime problem.) They could just appoint a random black dude 'co-owner' of their company and not get it shut down. That cost them some money, but they are big companies and they could afford it. Unsurprisingly, a lot of these appointees were ANC members or otherwise politically connected. And as these rich white compounds persist, the ANC gets to keep pointing at them and saying 'see, the revolution is not over yet'. The white people who really suffered were the ones who were near the bottom already.

The only people who really ended up benefiting from it are the ANC members themselves. They are at the top now, and they get to enrich themselves. And they do so.

I can understand that it is very frustrating to be liberated and then still having to wait a generation or two before cautious policies finally finish evening things out socially, but radical, immediate, harsh "solutions" cause disarray and poverty, and rebel groups hardly ever make good rulers once they've won.

Of course, I do not support apartheid, it is evil and it had to go. But actually getting rid of it would've probably been a better course of action than merely turning it upside down. Removing official racial classifications, investing in good education for all, and perhaps some moderate affirmative action for people from poor families (which would still help the same previously oppressed black people, but wouldn't perpetuate racial classification), starting with government entities and expanding only if necessary, would've been a better policy for the country (but not for the ANC).

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