Why These High School Girls Don’t Want a Transgender Student in Their Locker Room

I can definitely see both sides of it.

Changing in front of strangers takes some getting used to for a lot of people. Add the fact that most people with a penis would do anything to get in the girls locker room and it becomes complicated.

If she is attracted to women it's not much different than a lesbian using the locker room. But at that point why not just have coed locker rooms.

The one thing that did stand out to me was her insistence. I would have loved to have a private locker room in high school but she said she didn't.

It's clear that other women feel uncomfortable undressing in front of her so the argument about fitting in and being like other girls is already tenuous. She would fit in more if she respected their feelings.

I also understand that she feels alienated. Although it seems that making aformal issuel out of the situation does nothing to solve this problem and this point she's standing on principal alone.

If I was to give her advice I'd tell her to use the private locker room and make it a place where people can feel comfortable instead of insecure.

Or make it co-Ed and really shake things up a bit. Yes it's her right to change with the other girls but in social matters tact goes much further than force and coercion.

On a slightly inappropriate note. I would have totally identified as a woman in high school in order to go in the girls locker room so I can see why some people who don't understand the situation would question her insistence.

If she is a lesbian I could totally see her having ulterior motives in wanting to be in the locker room. Being transgender does not speak to her orientation after all.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - dailysignal.com