This thing is the physical incarnate of every leftist stereotype. Everything from the beard/glasses/accent to the baseless allegations to the “you don’t actually impact politics”. A true masterclass in how to completely repel an audience that might otherwise agree with you politically.

Slightly paraphrasing and copying from another comment cos mad:

the way that guy talks about meth and drug addiction makes me completely sure he doesn't know the first thing about addiction, and has probably never been close with any addicts.

I used to mess with a lot of drugs, and I was eventually addicted to heroin. I've known meth addicts, heroin addicts, all sorts. I've seen people that have died from overdosing. I've nearly died from overdosing. I've screamed at my girlfriend to wake up because I thought she was dead. Addiction can get extremely ugly, it can ruin friendships, make your family hate you, kill people you care about, kill you ... you get the picture.

I have a lot of empathy for drug addicts, but I have very little for people who have such stupid perspectives on addiction like that moron.

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