Thinnest guy i've ever met after 21 years, no idea what to do

Hey man. Reading this post made me reflect on myself because I started off pretty much where you are. I started my journey 1 year and 2 months ago at 6 ft 115 lbs. Now I'm at 6 ft and almost 165 lbs. it was quite a journey but I'll put together the most important tips I can share with you.

  1. For any long term change to occur you must muster up the EMOTIONAL energy inside of you. Visualize yourself looking like a beast and use that image to fuel your actions.

  2. You need to get your mind and body into a ROUTINE. Once you establish a routine, you won't feel the stress of having to work out and eat because everything will be autopilot and it will feel nice and effortless. In fact once your routine is strong you will get upset when you DONT work out and eat (which is an awesome mental state to be in).

  3. Getting your eating established should be your first priority. You will never ever out-train bad nutrition. Figure out a routine for food and eat the same stuff every single day. You don't have the luxury of choosing new foods every day because your mind will burnout from the stress of making decisions all the time.

  4. Give up alcohol, weed, smoking etc. all that shit is distracting you. Think about the girls you will pull when you become strong and healthy. Think about the amount of respect people will give you when you're strong and healthy. It's worth 100000x more than some stupid pot.

  5. Surround yourself with folks with similar goals in health and fitness. If you are friends with potheads then you will become a pot head. Simple as that.

  6. Amazon sells ensure plus shakes which give 350 calories per 8 oz. these puppies were game changers for me and they really work. Expensive but worth the convenience if you're like me and struggle to down food.

  7. Compound lifts should be your bread and butter. I grew a TON from deadlifting heavy. Focus on squats, bench, and deadlifts. Master those exercises and slowly increase weight week After week.

There's plenty more tips but here were the main ones from me.

/r/gainit Thread