Thorin's Thoughts - OGN Casters and the MSI Scrilla Discrepancy

Gonna do my personal opinion of the regular casters of LCK/NA/EU based on Thorin's 3 things to look for in a caster.

Scale will be Low-Med-High

Caster Technical Skill Game Knowledge Popularity comments
MonteCristo High High High Probably the biggest caster currently in the League scene.
DoA High High High Outside of Monte there is no one that can argue the claim of best LoL caster.
PapaSmithy High High Med PapaSmithy is great, but it's really hard to compete in popularity when your co-casters are Monte and DoA
Phreak Med High Med/High Phreak is probably the poster caster for NA. Knows the game well but trips his wording occassionally.
Rivington Med/High Low Med/High Riv is criticized for his lack of Game Knowledge, which is fair, but he is one of the most charismatic and love-able casters in the scene because he comes off as a nice guy.
Jatt Med/High High Low/Med Jatt suffers a bit in popularity due to some of his biases that are...fairly obvious or at least comes off as a tad biased. However, Jatt (along with Phreak) know the numbers behind League.
Kobe Med Med Med Kobe is a really energetic caster and probably has the most potential to improve among all NA casters
Quickshot Med Med Med Quickshot is a very solid caster. Isn't massively exceptional nor terrible at anything.
Deficio Med High High EU's best caster that has come a long way from when he first started. Deficio will be in the conversation with Monte and DoA after this year as he keeps improving his casts.
Krepo Low/Med High Med Krepo has the same potential the Deficio had when he started out. Trips up a bit and suffers from meming EU > NA too much (the same way Phreak suffered NA > EU)
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