Those diagnosed later in life, Did you look back after your diagnosis and realise how your ADHD wasn’t picked up as a child?

I’m 24 years, and I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until this year. However, my story was quite different; I excelled in every aspect of my academics. I graduated as a distinguished student with honours. Yet, I find it difficult to cope with stress, and I'm pretty impulsive. I tend to make horrible decisions and engage in toxic relationships and friendships. I suck at time management, and I always procrastinate on tasks that can affect me. I lose my belongings quickly and can zone out during essential discussions or instructions. I don’t know if this is mainly because of ADHD since I was also diagnosed with several more complex mental disorders. But yeah... I hope you can manage your life more smoothly after being professionally diagnosed. Stay well!

/r/ADHD Thread