Thought I was trans for for 12 years...

Okay so this is a throwaway, and I haven't read any of the other comments, but after reading your story I wanted to share mine. I am a 33 year old married mother of two. I was born female but was CONVINCED I was a boy, all through childhood. My internal monologue was male, when I thought about Future Me it was as a man. When referring to myself in the 3rd person I always used male pronouns. It made me horribly uncomfortable to hear anyone reference me as "her" or "she" - just flat out wrong. I cut my hair short and actively tried to look like a boy. I didn't have the same stigma that you went through - my parents were very supportive of me liking "boyish" things. But I was 100% convinced I was a boy and that I was going to have a sex change when I got older. My parents weren't exactly supportive of THAT, and my mom insisted it was a phase, so I usually just left the topic alone. I was miserable/depressed/suicidal all through adolescence. I was sexually attracted to both men and women, so that confused me even more about what exactly I was.

I never felt attractive as a woman, but I didn't when I would try to pass as a man either. Because my interests were in computers, video games, other "nerdy" things I started to realize that the guys not only accepted a woman who liked these things, but I was actually like a coveted prize (I know, I know, but this was teenage me), even though I was not attractive. So I started to just "deal with" being female, and go about my business. I struggled with depression for a long time but I muddled through.

Long story short, I met a guy, I got married. He was aware of my feelings of gender confusion and very supportive. He loved me for me, and although he didn't really understand, he just wanted to help and support me. For a long time we lived happily, and I was okay just being "technically" a woman but being friends with guys, working in a male-dominated field, being accepted. Even though it still didn't feel right, I felt like it would be harder to ever try to transition, so I kind of just let it go.

Fast forward a while, my husband and I decided to have kids. Lo and behold, it didn't happen right away, and I found out I have PCOS too. Got some treatment, and ended up getting pregnant. NOW, let me tell you. If you've spent your whole life feeling like you're male, and kind of ignoring your femininity, there is NOTHING that can cause a dysphoria like bring pregnant. I hated it. Hated the way I was treated. And even though I did want a child, I think I always felt like somehow, I would be a DAD and not a Mom. I couldn't imagine myself as a mother. No, I would just be some kind of generic "parent." I'd managed to be pretty androgynous for years, surely I could do it as a parent too.

That's not how it worked out for me though. Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, being someone's mother. Not father, not parent, MOTHER. I was Mommy, period. It was incredibly jarring. But after my son started talking, calling me Mommy, coming to me for cuddels, something changed. I actually didn't mind being Mommy. In fact, I didn't mind being a woman. Not a person with no gender, not a boy who grew up wrong, but an actual woman. And after a while, it started to feel better. It started to feel more right than I had ever felt before. I had another baby, and I got on Zoloft (shit is pure magic btw). I lost weight, started dressing more feminine. Now, at 33 with 2 kids, I can comfortably believe that I am a woman. I don't mind when people call me "she" and I love that I'm my kids' Mommy. Sometimes I still get jealous of things that men get to do, but overall I'm happy. Hell I don't really even talk to my therapist about spending most of my life in a gender dysphoria. In my own mind I almost prefer to think that I was a normal girl growing up, who just happened to be interested in "boy" things.

So I'm not really sure what advice I have, other than to tell you you're not alone, and if you do decide to try and pursue life as a woman, you can still be very happy. You need to figure out what being a woman means to YOU, and embrace that. You don't have to like "girly" things. You don't have to be feminine. You get to be any kind of woman you want to be. I really have a lot more I could say on the topic but I'm at work so I wanted to keep this relatively short. But feel free to ask questions about anything and I'll try to respond when I can.

TL;DR: I was sure I was ftm trans for nearly 20 years, then settled for being a "person" for another 10, now I am happy and confident as a woman.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread