Throughout Canadian History, what are the most ostracized racial/ethnic groups that exist or still exist?

The French Canadians:

  • 1917, the Canadian Army opens fire with machine guns on unarmed protesters in Quebec City, killing and wounding many.

  • The population of Quebec increased by 217,000 people on the electoral list in 1995, weeks before the referendum, the same 217,000 people had then MAGICALLY "moved" to Ontario and other provinces at the time of the next income tax... None of those ~217,000 has ever paid income taxes in Quebec... The referendum was lost by ~40,000 votes...

  • A Quebec hospital administrator was refused employment in an Ontario hospital because he had once been a candidate for the PQ... David Levine...

  • Quebec businessman Pierre Peladeau, was barred from buying English language national newspapers in Canada because he was a "Quebec separatist" and the English press said that "Quebec sovereigntists should not be allowed owning newspapers".

  • During the Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan, A Quebecer was chosen to carry the Canadian flag... English Canada was beside itself and supported Don Cherry who basically insulted all Quebecers, despite the CBC apologizing.

  • Writer Howard Galganov called Quebecers "bastards" and celebrated the death of Dr. Camille Laurin "as a great day in the history of Canada" and called for Quebecers to "stop reproducing".

  • During a federal election, the Reform Party had a publicity saying "do not vote for a Quebecer" that targeted every federal party that had a Quebecer for leader.

  • The "Clarity Act" is a discriminatory law that, obviously, only applies to Quebec because it allows any other referendum in Canada to be won with 50% +1 votes while a referendum on Quebec sovereignty would require a "clear majority", a number that the federal government would define AFTER THE FACT... The Quebec people are therefore the ONLY PEOPLE in the WORLD who are denied the capacity to make democratic decisions through a referendum...

  • Former Quebec Premier, Jacques Parizeau, was told by important Canadian CEO in Toronto, where he was working as an economist, that the secret to success in Quebec was to "Make sure no french Canadian ever exceeded the post of foreman"...

  • In the documnetary "the Disunited States of Canada", Quebeckers are referred to as “thieves”, “whiners” and “vermin”

  • In a 1993 financial analysis bulletin sent to 275 people, broker Richard Lafferty compared the leader of the Bloc Québécois, Lucien Bouchard, and the leader of the Parti Québécois, Jacques Parizeau, to Adolf Hitler.

  • Writer Mordecai Richler compared some Quebec nationalist writers in the newspaper Le Devoir in the 1930s to Nazi propagandists in Der Stürmer.

Quotes by English Canadians

  • "Quebec leaves a bad taste in the mouth, in my opinion, take these bastards and throw them into the ocean." Jim Karygiannis, Montreal Gazette, September 16, 1989

  • "They complain and moan and damage our economy. They conspire and combine to create a dream and French ethnocentric state. They rewrite history. They create all parts of claims for recent injustices. They irritate English Canadians to help their cause. They are, in a word, despicable." Diane Francis, Financial Post, July 4, 1996

  • "to hear people talk about Quebec culture would give Hermann Göring the desire to brandish his revolver." Peter Stockland, Toronto Sun, November 30, 1989

I'll stop here...

/r/canada Thread