TIL: In 2006 a woman tried living as a man for 18 months as part of an experiment on "male privilege." She walked away from the experiment realizing that men are also suffering.

You want to hear a "first world problem"?

I was abused by my mother. Windex in my eyes when I smudged the sliding glass door, made to eat dog food when she thought I forgot to feed the dogs, beaten constantly.

When I got older, I exclusively had relationships with abusive women. Those that weren't didn't last long for some reason.

My ex-wife drank heavily and I worked nights. She was always absolutely psychotic, hit me, screamed at me, would purposely keep me awake during the day, cause she sure as fuck didn't work.

One night, I came home, slept on the couch, and awoke to getting kicked in the ribs and the legs so hard I thought they were broken. I tried to stand up and fell. She started screaming and yelling. Apparently I had liked some girl's status on facebook. I managed to get up and she kept pushing me against the wall, smacking the side my head and screaming , "WHO THE FUCK IS SHE TO YOU".

I finally snapped, and I slapped her. Once with an open palm. She lost her fucking mind. Called one of her friends, some ex-marine, wannabe warrior idiot, and said I slapped her. I grab my keys and start to leave when she shouts, "THEY'RE GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU".

Apparently the loser had friends. I got in my car and drove to a Walmart and slept in the parking lot. They did end up showing up. And I just stayed away from my own fucking apartment for a couple days.

But, you know who I had to turn to then? Absolutely fucking nobody. I wasn't going to admit to my male friends any of that. Not then at least. It was embarrassing. And, I couldn't go to my family, they'd only be interested in the part where I slapped a woman. There are no shelters for men in my area.

My situation isn't all that unique either. Domestic abuse goes both ways. But only one side is consistently mocked and not remotely addressed on a large scale.

There. There's your fucking first world problem.

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