TIL aim assist is only enabled in terrorist hunt

Also made me happy because I remember PC people shitting on console players because they "needed" aim assist so suck it :)

You really don't want to go down this path, trust me. I am well over clearance level 120 on Xbox and just over level 20 on PC, and I can say with absolutely certainty that I play better on PC than I do on Xbox. The mouse is simply unrivaled by a controller, aim assist or not.

The two games play immensely different as a result, and therefore comparing the skills and tactics between the two is a fool's errand. You are right that because there is no aim assist that console players don't have the crutch that many PC elitists (I'm not saying all PC players are elitist, I'm referring only to those arrogant players who think they are better than the world simply because of the platform they play on). It's certainly a major feather in the cap for console players who have good aim. But this argument will very quickly devolve into the merits between keyboard/mouse and controller, and there really is no comparison between the two.

/r/Rainbow6 Thread