TIL bacon & eggs is considered breakfast food thanks to a single marketing campaign by a bacon company.

The first registered trademark in Denmark was for bacon, since the americans and russians had hustled in on our grain exporting business we had to reinvent ourselves at the same time as OPs story takes place. And with the introduction of eggs and bacon to the English table, we rearranged our industry to become the ones to fill that need. All the slabs had Danish Bacon written on them, and became a stamp of quality.

By acting quickly Denmark secured a 90% share of all bacon consumed in the UK.

Some wars came about to stop that. In WW2 6.500 tonnes of Danish bacon was lost, and we again had to reinvent ourselves as we could no longer rely on bacon.

But Bacon built my nation!!

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - bonappetit.com