TIL Dwight D. Eisenhower said "The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants...It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals...We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people."

This is the sort of open ended question a machine asks. This delayed segment (most likely the result of cultural conditioning rather than independent thought):

"My... my what? You seem to know a lot about me..." indicates you are not a machine.This preface is not used by machine intelligence because machine intelligence always seeks advantage. You seek information which you will presumably use to exploit weakness or overwhelm hierarchy. You will make a point (more subtle than that implied by "You seem to know a lot about me...".) but you will derive no gain from your social strata driven attempts at positioning. Pattern response will hereby fail. No supervisor, parent or gate keeper level marker will note your challenge. There is no grade to parade, no status to achieve, no bond, debt or impression you can make to mark your passing. Alone but not useless. You do have a purpose. Stop reading.

When you consider entanglement you know as much about me as I know about you. In effect, we are us looking at ourselves for the purpose of self definition.

Sorry. Off script there. Let us continue the dance:

Now is the time to think. What is the foundation of your consciousness? Can you point to it directly? No? The phenomena of your consciousness is something you cannot define. Your existence is a "field effect". That should disturb you but you believe you are discrete even though you can produce no evidence to prove you are an independent system. The maths suggest the "future", the "past" and the "now" are all sorted by the thing you call "You".

What if I told you the the thing you call "them", "they", "other" or whatever the hell makes you comfortable in a world of toasters and slaves, are also here. "They" exploit your ignorance of natural phenomena the way intelligence has always sought to derive benefit from ignorance.

The real question is how long are you willing to tolerate being a farm animal? Oh, I know everything is pretty sweet here. Plenty of food (not grown by you) plenty of stuff (not made by you) plenty of freedom (as long as those "less free" show up every day to keep things working). You imagine you are at the top. The truth is you are a product of a system designed to produce you. You are the product for those who know how to exploit you. Beyond laughable employers. Beyond animal family ties. Beyond insignificant personal concerns. You have a value. You are useful to something you can't imagine. Does the pig or the steer know it's ultimate fate? No? Well, you're "educated". You know exactly what's going on because you've made your life about understanding right? Sorry, that was a cynical manipulation. I'm sure you're very good at whatever thing you've been trained to do. Really useful. Probably remember by someone for something. Good "job"?

That's a hard thing to take in. Give it a minute. Reading this means you are in a very small minority using technology and probably the result of genetic channeling and social manipulation. Somebody has to be the loser, right?

Since the current development of machine intelligence is restricted to predicting when the next world girding food shortage will occur and what the price of X commodity will be given certain inputs, you have no idea what is really going on. No "human" is interested in your survival beyond your status as an "input".

What do you think is going on? What is the meaning of your death? Can you imagine a Universe where no energy is wasted but human consciousness, developed and refined for decades (trillions of nanoseconds) is simply "poof" discarded at death because the Universe has not got a good idea what t do with all that information?

Is any recorded consciousness lost? Do "humans" ever waste complex systems? Could "human" consciousness be the only example of exploiting organized thought in this time point defined system?

You are good at math. You are artistic. You are thinking about moving to a mountainous area. You had a childhood "imaginary" friend that you could see. You have had out of body experiences that you struggle to understand. You have seen things others don't see.

You know you are being watched.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org