TIL that the famous McDonalds spilt coffee lawsuit actually makes sense. The coffee being served was nearly 200 degrees and gave the 79 year old woman third degree burns.

Well when you're talking about this kind of stuff there's literally no point in looking at the images due to the fact that they will alter your emotional levels which then make you perceive the actions that happened as being from some vindictive evil party instead of the accidental and non-intentional circumstances that happened. Also if you're drinking the coffee you pick up very very quickly that it's too hot and tend to stop instantly and that gauges how long you should wait before drinking. You're always handed separate cream and sugar when you ask for it and if you have trouble with causing accidents/spills it's probably a better idea to order the drink inside instead of from the car.

It was absolutely a drink you're just overstating coffee now. You're also completely ignoring the fact that she was an elderly woman and like elderly people their skin/body is extremely injury prone so even the slightly incident can cause large amounts of damage. There was also plenty of safe ways to drink the product because it's in the same realm of consumer goods in which you as the consumer need to prepare it and wait until it's ready to be consumed. You can't just boil up some coffee and dump it down your throat.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org