TIL that the first documented case of child abuse was reported to an animal welfare organization, for lack of a better resource. Which means that animals had welfare rights in the US before children did.

Well, at first glance, it may seem a bit depressing that humans enacted legislation and formed protection-groups, in order to protect animal-rights BEFORE human rights of children.

But... I would suspect that is simply because animal abuse was probably done "in the open" for other people to see, primarily with live-stock animals, and household pets (cats and dogs).

In contrast, however, when it comes to human abuse, sadly child-abusers are often very secretive about their abuse sessions, and expertly hide it from the entire community very well.

And so child abuse, and human abuse, will often tend to take place in the closed door confines of the home, and is less obvious.

Also there is the issue that many victims of child abuse are highly reluctant to talk about that dark/painful portion of their past (understandably so).

So that has the effect of further hiding human/child abuse even further into darkness, away from the radar of greater society.

For example:

I grew up in an extremely loving, and sheltered-from-the-evils-of-the-world type of home...

When growing up, the only human-abuse I ever heard about was WWII Nazi concentration camps. So as a child/teenager, my mind-set was basically this:

"Abuse of humans in this horrific way during WWII was a distant barbaric-act that took place decades ago. Thank God, we've all learnt from this barbaric moment in history, and have evolved, and now the world is now such a great and more peaceful place."

Boy, was I naive, sadly.

In all seriousness, the idea that children, women, and other humans were being abused in the time period that I grew up within, was a completely ALIEN thought to me, that never crossed my mind.

Again... It just never popped into my mind, or imagination that there are humans being abused in present day.

At that time, the only abuse I ever saw growing up, was when some psychopathic @ssholes in my neighborhood were hurting cats and dogs.

Multiple times I intervened with those 3 idiots, and got into a few fist fights with them, because I kept sneaking into this one kid's yard, and releasing neighborhood cats that he had trapped in a cage, and was keeping in his backyard treehouse-fort to torment.

No matter how many times those 3 kids punched me in my face and stomach, I was DETERMINED to set free those animals.

So protecting the neighborhood animals became my quest, even at an early age.

I just didn't realize there were probably humans in my neighborhood, in even greater need of protection/help, since their torment was occurring behind closed doors.

But then this little thing came along, known as the Internet, and very depressingly it was then that I clicked on links (on websites like these, or through emails sent to me) and learnt what too many psycho-humans were doing to too many innocent human victims.

At this point, I still STRONGLY believe that animals need legislation, and police, to help protect them from abusive humans.

Doing so will also protect humans down the line, as so MANY psychopaths begin by hurting animals, before moving onto humans.

At the same time... I believe (EVEN MORE STRONGLY) that humans are in need of help, assistance, and protection, from abusive psycho humans in their life.

Either way, animals, or humans, I feel tremendous, profound, sadness inside of me, when I hear of any sentient life form being sadistically hurt and tortured, and abused.

We have to find these abusers of both animals and humans, and make sure they get locked up, to protect so many innocent, defenseless victims from them.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.m.wikipedia.org