TIL modern body armor used by the police and military was invented by Richard Davis; a pizza delivery boy. Davis grew so tired of being shot at during his deliveries, he decided to develop what we now know as kevlar vests.

4 NCOs in my unit, while a junior enlisted soldier on Ft. Hood, fucked the same female 1st LT; different occasions. Battalion Sergeant Major pulled the NCOs into formation and bitched at them as a collective for ~3 hours. Ironically, she had approached 3 junior enlisted who all said no to the advance. Other than my sergeant major, first line leader, and battalion commander I never felt like anyone had my best interest at heart. Certainly never my platoon sergeant or commander. The two good first sergeants we had were practically gravitational-beamed into brigade. I don't miss one second. I took my GI Bill and started in on my PhD. Definitely appreciate the lessons learned. Like I can go 60 hours flat on 4 hours of sleep. 3 if I mean it.

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