TiL More Than 9 in 10 People Under 35 Do Not Trust Banks

I can still enjoy my bank without trusting it. I'll still send my money to them, but I will also keep my eyes on it and double check all transfers and interest checks out. "Trust" doesn't just mean abiding by the laws, it also means assuming the bank employees don't make errors when dealing with my family's finances. When it comes to my money, trust would entail believing everybody working at the bank is 100% competent at everything that has to do with money.

Which I don't. Not a dig against the bank, but certainly against the people working there.

I've had one idiot bank employee wipe my checking account clean and drop it into five-digit negative numbers because they accidentally transferred my dad's large deposit from the wrong account. Fortunately I found this out within the hour it happened and got it reversed the next day, but it was a huge inconvenience since I found out after my debit card was declined after two hours of shopping at Target.

This could have happened with pretty much any bank. No bank is immune from employee incompetence. That's why I take it upon myself to ensure everything is in order, and doing it to such a degree that, yeah, you could easily assume I have major trust issues with anyone who handles my money.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - 60secondstatistics.com