TIL that plastic and petroleum were originally environmental saviours, because they eliminated the need to kill whales, elephants, turtles, and many other creatures for their materials.

"(as being held responsible for the crimes of your anscestors really only ends up making a bigger divide between the groups), but that doesn't mean people wouldn't be interested in trying to blame them."

Sidenote: The crimes of ancestors are passed onto their descendants, through the institutions they've built, laws, textbooks, trades, companies and through the values and norms they modeled and taught their children.

Personal responsibility is a wishy-washy thing, like free-will. It doesn't truly exist, nor does it not not. Its the reason I try to judge people based only on their merits, but also am weary of certain tendencies that certain groups tend to have.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - scientificamerican.com