TIL of a Siamese cat named Chester, who was published as a co-author and another time as the sole author of a physics scientific journal article.

I'm trying not to point out what seems obvious to me (but I failed)..... but would you trust any scientist who just fictionalized a co-author to avoid some typing? That's what we computer science geeks call "lying", and when you're trying to get published it's not such a good idea to fake ANYTHING about the paper. Because if he'd do that, what other shortcuts would he take?
And please don't jump all over me for pointing this out when the article involves cats. But I've been through the process and I'm proud that I managed to get one of my papers and research published. Even applied for a patent (which is a whole nuther nightmarish story). I know this was some years ago before the intarwebs and nice keyboards - I was there (I'm that old) and know what those old typewriters feel like! But it brings the man's honesty into question.
And my quick search shows absolutely no contributions from this guy that have impacted the world of physics, or much else. Sorry if I'm wrong.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org