TIL the stereotype that Jewish people are greedy originated in the middle ages when the Church restricted Christians from charging interest on loans thus leading to many Jewish people opening banks.

There was a Jewish chaplain in the Air Force who was assigned to a small base in Japan. It was so small that there were only a handful of Jews and none of them were particularly religious so he had very little to do.

One day a group of three Japanese men found him and expressed interest in converting to Judaism. He was thrilled to finally have a purpose. He explained to them that it would take two years of study and they said that that was fine with them.

Much to his surprise, they were the best students he had ever taught by far. They listened attentively. They did all of the studying at home that he asked of them. They were unfailingly polite. It was a fantastic experience.

Near the end of the two years, one of the men cautiously approached him after class. "Rabbi, we are enjoying your class very much and the material is interesting. We just have one question."

"Of course, Takahashi-san, what would you like to know?"

"Rabbi, when will we get to the part about how to be good in business?"

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org