TIL Supermarket Costco cashiers make on average $20 an hour and are happier than facebook employees...

During hurricane sandy we had a few 1200 chicken days, it was rough. I have a great manager and awesome colleagues so for all of the times I get mad and want to switch departments I just think about that. For all the non Costco people reading I'll try to give you some insight to how bad it can be.

The store I cook chicken in is consistently within the top 5 out of all Costcos (in terms of rotisserie chicken output). We are the only Costco location that has 8 ovens. (4 ovens is probably average per location). My day begins at 6am when I have to clean out all of the ovens we used from the night before. The reason I have to clean them in the morning is because the ovens have an auto clean cycle that they go through all night and I have to discard the residue. After cleaning the ovens I have to get a pallet of chickens (350 chickens/ 35 boxes of 10 chickens/ about 1700lbs of chicken) and wheel it into the skewering area. Next I start to skew chicken and load ovens. Each skew takes 4 chickens and each oven holds 8 skews. Of our 8 ovens we use no less than 6 on an average day. In order to prepare for opening I need to have all 6 ovens loaded (192 chickens). We usually pull 2-3 ovens before the doors open to start the day. And by the time we close we will have went through more than 2 pallets of chicken. Now each oven is equipped with a grease trap and we have a pump to transport the grease from the trap to a grease drum in the back of the store. There's a problem though. Since my location is as busy as it is, the grease drum fills up a lot quicker than you would expect so we have to collect that excess grease in what we call "fat cans". Then we have to clean out the fat cans after the grease has been picked up. For anyone that knows the smell of old mushy grease, they can confirm it is absolutely vile. That's just one aspect of how my job can suck. Not complaining though, I love Costco and am thankful to be a part of the team!

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - smartplanet.com