TIL There is a social Huntsman Spider. Native to Australia, they live in colonies of up to 300, share prey, and aggressively attack and cannibalise outsiders. They were also widely used in the movie Arachnophobia(1990) and at the start of Spider-Man(2002).

I don't like spiders, but I started doing macro photography a while back and spiders are pretty cool. Then you want to find out what you've photographed, so you look them up and find out little bits and bobs and before you know it, you know that X spider won't hurt you unless you really hassle it, and that Y spider should be avoided.

Back here in the UK we don't have much in the way of spiders, but the house/Cardinal spiders are dicks which look a little like a miniature huntsman, but without the calm temperament.

I'm happy for a spider of any type to remain so long as it's near a door or window; if it's elsewhere I'll scoop it up and move it.

Exhibit A, which can fuck right off


Exhibit B, which is the most adorable tiniest ickle thing ever

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org