Is it time for the Democrats to admit Bernie Sanders is their best hope against Trump?

You know how I know this is true? Hillary supporters AND Trump supporters are bombarding the shit out of the comment section.

What kills me about this is that you're speaking as if this subreddit exists exclusively for Bernie Sanders supports. By its nature, /r/politics is supposed to be bipartisan, right? It hasn't been officially renamed /r/sanderspolitics, has it?

So people on the left, right, and center are obviously welcome to comment, and people like me (who don't like any candidate, including Sanders) should be free to express distaste for the famously aggressive and obnoxious approach of many Sanders supports, suggested especially by this headline.

The reason I, for example, am averse to this article's headline is the word "admit," which oozes the same pedagogical and condescending tone your comment does.

I pay attention to the criminal investigation and not the red scare bullshit.

Good for you. I pay attention to both. I also pay attention to Sander's disagreements with my philosophies, and consider his lack (and many candidates lack) of will to compromise. On top of those things, I consider the political climate in our country, which has descended to accusations of covert campaign coordination in comment threads.

This subreddit wasn't always moderated by outright Sanders supporters. An article like this would have been equally, summarily smacked down by casual /r/politics subscribers a year ago as it has been today.

Please, can't you just consider, just for a second, the possibility that Bernie Sanders (like every candidate for president in our country's history) might not necessarily be the ideal president of the country? These elections are supposed to be competitions of thoughts and approaches -- not of volume and single-mindedness.

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