Time to Say It: Trump Is a Racist

Listen, I get what you are trying to say. But Im not writing an essay here, Im not going to go into detail on a comment forum by writing a 200 page paper with academic sources. Ive been there many times, i use my eyes and ears, and yes, i say trust me, ive been there. Im not wrong when I say Haiti is a shithole and Dominican is not.

The argument WHY it is so, frankly, is irrelevant here. You can go into history, you can go into ethnic makeup, etc. - does not matter. Im not going to argue this.

What matters is this:

Haitans are uneducated. Completely so. Lowest possible form of unskilled labour. Those that are at least a little bit educated, all work in Dominica.

So, Trump made a comment, why take immigrants from shithole countries. Please tell me, why would you take additional unskilled immigrants from Haiti, when you have unlimited pool of unskilled labour crossing from mexico, and in the age of automation, unskilled labour opportunities are only decreasing? And when you have your own indigenous unskilled population to take care of.

This is the question that matters. And here, Trump is correct - you dont need to take them. There is no benefit to USA.

By the way - your argument absolves local people from personal responsibility and is actually a paternalistic colonial attitude - local tribals do not know any better, hence cant be responsible for their state. This is typical racism. i dont care that you phrase your argument like this, but its not going to fly in any course in university. This is also incorrect - people there are adults, and adults are responsible for their own state.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com