Is Tinder racist? White, nearly all female, college age upper-middle class kids discuss.

Don't actually attempt this. It's blatantly obvious and it's more likely to make you look like an insulting douche than a suave dude If you're not socially adept enough to flirt, you're not socially adept enough to tease either

Right, which is why I said they generally advise you don't use them, and they're going to backfire. Or are you accusing me of flirting with you? A) You're a little too pretentious and condescending for my taste, man or woman, I'm sorry. B) I'm pretty sure you're a bit young for me.

Ah they can get emotionally damaged or immature women, and if they get in relationships at all, they're not exactly healthy ones Picking up as a concept itself is pretty fucking stupid. You talk to people, you click or you don't click, you might hang out and see what happens. The desperation to define things clearly and put them in neat little categories is what makes PUAs so bad at actual genuine flirting. Nothing is ever spontaneous, they all seem to be very goal-oriented and that's incredibly putting off. If you can't mask your feelings, every woman will smell a mile away that you're just after some pussy Awkward is fine, nervous is fine, as long as you don't take yourself too seriously. If you're fake suave but stiff as a board it will come off much worse than a funny guy who's nervous.

Ah of course, No True Woman could possibly be attracted to a confident, well dressed man, in shape man. I give up. You win. Not the discussion, but I understand that nothing I say to you is going to sink in. You are actively ignoring where I said, and I quote:

The Pick Up Artist thing is another thing guys get screwed on. Even Reddit shits all over places like /r/seduction[1] . Men are just expected to know how to talk to women, and it's shameful to ask for help. There are scummy organisations in every group (radfems anyone?), but most of the modern "PUA gurus" advice basically boils down to this:


"You're out of shape, overweight, and you spend all day playing video games and no women will sleep with you? First thing to do is clean yourself up, get a nice haircut, and a decent wardrobe. Second, get some interesting hobbies, it doesn't matter what. Just get out, and be active in groups that like similar things. Stop treating individual women like goddesses, start treating them like equals. There are lots of women who could make you happy. Also, remember this advice won't get you get "the girl who got away". It's not a silver bullet."

Or how about the sticky on the forum you despise so much (that I so kindly provided you a link to) that tells you that what you say doesn't matter as much as how you say it. You're being intentionally obtuse to support your own prejudice. But I can't blame you. I hate blacks women muslims men as much as the next guy?


Sorry, I forgot which prejudice you were arguing for again. It is prejudice against men right?

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link -