Tips To Look After Your Husband - (Excerpts from a 1950's Home Economics text book)

I recently went on a rant about the topic. Here it is:

I would rather spend my life with someone who wants to be with me for me, not because we're contractually obligated to be together. A relationship requires work, a marriage becomes a cop-out to the party least invested while trapping the other person. I don't want judges and lawyers involved in my relationship. I refuse to put myself in a situation where I have to ask the state for permission to end my PERSONAL relationship. That's not love, that's a business transaction. This contractual agreement is what society makes themselves believe is love. It's no wonder relationships are screwed up in this country.

This Disney fairy tale is a potential sleeping time bomb of a nightmare. The other person eventually gets lazier and complacent, sex dries up, they stop caring and let themselves go, and the other person starts to resent it. In time one of the two feels trapped in the relationship and miserable. When you feel trapped, the first thing you want to do is run.

I've noticed women are generally made out to be the victims of a breakup regardless of fault. If she cheats, it's because "he didn't pay enough attention to her" etc. SCREW THAT. Do you really want to legally bind yourself with someone who doesn't have the same equal legal/social accountability that you have? Do you really want to become a second class citizen in your own home ready to be blamed for the outcome of the relationship regardless of fault?

The fact we need a contract to prove our loyalty just proves this insecurity we all have in the back of our minds that maybe we're not truly a monogamous species. Marriage isn't a commitment based on love, it's based on insecurity. It's a legal document, not a loving one.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent