Today I found out my estranged grandfather has leukemia, want to reach out to him but not sure how to deal with my feelings about it after knowing the extent of the sexual abuse my mother suffered from most of her family/being abused myself.

ooooooooh man that's the saddest thing ever i am so sorry for what you and your mom had to live with growing up. your mom sounds like such a strong woman and i respect her for that. Doesnt change the fact that the rest of her family is fucked up and i'm glad you cut ties with them. i understand your grandfather has cancer, try to see him once just because you said you wanted to. The hard part is going when the rest of those fuckers are there. (sorry i'm so MAD i cant help swearing at them!) Ask your mom to try to get you in to see him at a time when the others will definitely not be there. If that's not possible, try to go for the shortest amount of time and dont speak or even look at those rapist assholes. take the high road. be classy (that's what i tell myself when i'm so angry that i just want to rage). hold your head up high. Dont give those scumbags the chance to speak to you. treat them as worse than your grandfathers cancer. tell him you love him and say goodbye because you have done what you went there to do. Leave and never look back. those people (your grandmother included) are not worthy of you, and as they get older and realize their past mistakes they will try to get you to like them again because they want to think that they themselves are good. they are not. I wouldn't even blame you if you never went to go see them ever again.

I left my father in the dust 6 years ago and have only been happier since. He's never even tried to contact me, and he lives somewhere in my city..He was a bad man and will always be. But he will die trying to convince you otherwise! (probably just to scam you)!

It's not your fault that you are related to them. you are not a bad person. your mom is not a bad person. keep only good people in your life and you will find yourself happier with each passing day. PM me if you wanna chat about how much our family sucks lol

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread