The Top Minds over r/con took the bait of a breitbart article about a resurface photo of James Gunn participating at a "pedophile theme" party without realizing the context.

It didn't. The sad truth is that people seem incapable of learning even from the most recent history.

Accusations of pedophilia and witchcraft go back to the oldest civilizations and surely before as well. The only difference now is that we at least have some semblance of a legal system that stops people from murdering people based on baseless accusations alone. But the impulse of many people to do so is just as strong as it was 30 years ago, 300 years ago, 3000 years ago.

It's really one of the saddest truths I've had to come to terms with. I mean, growing up in an educated family in a small, fairly liberal town, and watching movies like Monty Python where the idea of accusing people of witchcraft and pedophilia just because you don't like them was openly mocked as some pre-industrial superstition, I honestly believed that people weren't like that anyone. Then, after the obvious abuses and just insane accusations that came out of Satanic Panic, I thought that people had learned their lesson once again. But no, they have not.

These people are still just like this.

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