Does this count?

Her being in the drivers seat is worse than the idiots in the passenger seats who put their feet up on the dash, almost always women by the way. I'm a truck driver in the upper Midwest. June 1st is the day I start to see boats headed to the cottages, its also the day you start to see the happy little vacationers with the cute little wifey with her feet up on the dash.
But nothing is as bad as the idiots who hold their infants in their laps while doing 85 on the busiest (and very dangerous) highways in the nation. Or the people who let their 4 children play in the backseats with no seatbelts. I know that children complain, or get irritable on long drives, but not once have my children ever complained about being seatbelted, not ever. The car doesnt move until they are belted in, period.

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