Why is it so trendy to hate parenthood?

There’s a lot of miserable people in the world. Think about it. Some people eat like shit, are lazy, loathe themselves, are addicted to phones, alcohol, drama, have shitty parents themselves, money problems, work problems, car problems, house problems, family problems, health problems.. on and on. Then these people have kids and they’ve never actually done any work on themselves. No self awareness or examination. No spiritual or intellectual journeys. You can just exist with the lowest level of effort. Then they’re like oh weird wow what’s happening, a KID, a pure representation of love and the human soul. Don’t get me wrong, I complain about my family and I’m tired as hell but my gratitude levels are off the chain because of my infertility journey. Whatever crap you have been carrying around, you pass it onto your kids and try to spread it around like a disease. Only way to avoid that crap is to live at a higher vibration and let those thoughts and negative types of people go.

/r/beyondthebump Thread