Trinity of wholesome

A lot of your words are out of context. You know you don’t have to use big words to sound smart, it’s the meaning behind the words that matters. I understand where you’re coming from, but people who don’t eat meat often have to take supplements to make up for the lack of nutrients. Our bodies have evolved to eat both plants and meat. Trying to force people into changing our diet is asking us to put our health at risk. As much as you say it’s natural to live a vegetarian life, it is just as natural to be an omnivore. Most sources of meat take care of their cows, you can visit them. They live a long happy life free of the dangers that are in the wilderness like starvation and predators. They are killed in a way that is instant death, no pain or torture. No getting bitten but 7 wolves torn apart. The more you try to convince people to change their traditions the more they’ll just downvote you. Best of luck friend but

“gotta blast” -Jimmy Neutron

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