TRP and fascism

The red pill is concerned with the state of being masculine and the power dynamics of interpersonal relationships. This is very different than despotic political philosophies. The above post is filled with the usual confirmation bias in which one begins with the conclusion and works backwards. In short, this is nothing more than an opportunity for the blue pill to call the red pill literally Hitler.

Totalitarianism attempts to maintain political control by enforcing a cohesive social identity. Fascism appeals to tradition, God, nation or race. Communism appeals to progress and the universal brotherhood of mankind. The window dressing may be different for leftist or rightist ideologies, but at the core they both employ the idea of a struggle against the forces of darkness so important, that the group must take precedence over the individual. As only total victory over the enemy can bring the dawn of a new age, no limits should exist in waging this war. Grandiose symbols and martyrization of heroes serve to emphasize the all consuming nature of this struggle. Paradoxically, the struggle becomes both the end and the means. Ultimately, engaging in this struggle necessitates the rejection of reason and free inquiry. Disagreement becomes heresy, and difference becomes treason. The cults of personality and scapegoating, the newspeak and doublethink described by George Orwell, all these propaganda techniques assist in controlling the narrative and coping with the cognitive dissonance caused by the paradox.

The red pill is at worst sexist in the same way that feminism is sexist. One is pro-men and the other is pro-women. That is a far cry from fascism.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread