Truck vs cyclist 'tragedy' waiting to happen in Mid West

"They do have to indicate by holding there arms out. If you are unaware of this then maybe it's you that needs to bursh up on the road rules."

So because 80% of cylicst that I come across in the 2 hours of city driving I do a day don't indicate its ME that needs to brush up on the road rules??? Or maybe cyclists should learn the fucking rules.

"Drink riding is a thing and does get enforced. Again, maybe you should brush up on your road rules."

Again, you make an attack against me for something that I am questioning cyclists about as I know many riders who purposely ride their bike into the city with the purpose of drinking and sneaking home through parks on their cycles.

"I see motorists doing similarly dumb things every single day, so licensing is obviously not a solution."

Oh so since inconsiderate assholes in cars do the same thing cycles get a free pass? Thats your logic?

"Let me know mean murder/manslaughter charges start being laid against bad drivers that kill cyclists, then we can start talking about feelings."

Uhhh... they do. Simularialy I have been knocked on my ass unconscious with a concussion from a cyclist that didn't feel like stopping for a red while I was crossing the road as a pedestrian. The mother fucker just kept on riding.

Seriously mate your only way to defend the shitty actions of cyclists is to attack me for not knowing that cyclist SHOULD be doing a lot of these things.

Maybe the fact that I had no idea that cyclists were bound to these rules is a testament that so many cyclists do what ever the fuck they want and don't give a shit.

I've had a group of 8 cyclists slowly cross 4 lanes of busy traffic to get to the other side, we all honked and they all flipped us off and I got my car spat on as I drove past. How dare I call them out on their illegal riding.

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