Trump: 'The books are cooked against Bernie!'

You would actually then be surprised how much trump supporters do understand immigration and its issues, but i would be lying if some them weren't actual racists with hateful thinking just like there are bad eggs on every side. His immigration plan if done well and correctly can actually fix things. If immigrants have a clear and easier path towards legal immigration then they would do so legally and not put themselves and their families at risk to criminals, drug smugglers, rapists trying to cross the border. Having a wall just makes it harder to come illegally, which would force them or put them in positions where they have to come into the country through legal means. Im sure no one who wants to come to this country and have a better life for themselves and their families actually want to come here illegally. If the system was fixed, then more people would choose to go through the process correctly. The way Trump works is he says crazy things to stir the pot and it gets people talking about things no one wants to talk about, like "Are illegal Mexican immigrants actually bringing in drugs? Are they committing crimes? Are some good people who just want a better life for their families? Lets look it up." Personally, i think those protests in California, where im from, showed the rest of the country how some of these people act and gave everyone a good view of the problem. I know many illegal mexican immigrants and they're good hardworking people just trying give their families a better life, and I've met many terrible ones who just want to "Make America Mexico Again" and its pretty upsetting to see people who abuse benefits and systems in place, who dont even care about our country, wave flags of another country, trash our state, and then still choose to live here instead of letting other people who actually want to be here have better opportunities. Im sorry for your situation and your families situation, and im sorry for how his words made you feel, but this shit needs to be talked about and fixed. I was bernie guy 4 months ago and then i decided to read what he wanted to do instead of reddit and the news telling me he was amazing, and his plans are illogical and impractical. Then i read Trumps plans and while i dont agree with him on everything(anti-vax, anti-global warming), he seems to be the only one willing to deal with actual problems in real ways and not bandaid fixes to make everyone feel good.

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