Trump laughs at 'lock her up' chants about Gretchen Whitmer at Michigan rally, just days after the FBI said it foiled a right-wing militia plot to kidnap her

Wolverine Watchmen was mostly right wing, save for one person who expressed anarchist views...

Joseph Morrison: "Photographs of the home show a Confederate battle flag" and "His online alias was "Boogaloo Bunyan""

Adam Fox: "Fox espoused anti-police and anti-government views, along with support for the boogaloo movement, and had recently become worried about the U.S. becoming a communist country and Democratic politicians taking away his guns."

Barry Croft: " media accounts depicted him wearing a tricorne and a sweatshirt with an insignia associated with the Three Percenters militia group. He expressed support for the Russia investigation origins counter-narrative and opposition to the country's current immigration policy, and he believed the investigations into President Trump constituted an "uprising".

Brandon Caserta: "...depicted wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt associated with the boogaloo movement in a TikTok video; and on Facebook, he praised Kyle Rittenhouse, a civilian who shot and killed two protesters during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Caserta was also a COVID-19 denier and supported the QAnon conspiracy theory;[44] however, in one video, he criticized President Trump and called him a tyrant"

Pete Musico: "He also followed the accounts of Proud Boys organizer Joe Biggs and InfoWars personality Owen Shroyer. On Twitter, he expressed support for Trump and conspiracy theories regarding Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the high presence of mercury in vaccines"

Shawn Fix: "The house's yard had Donald Trump presidential campaign signs and a Gadsden flag."

Eric Molitor: "had posted support of the boogaloo movement on his Facebook profile. He also spoke positively about Kyle Rittenhouse and the St. Louis McCloskey gun controversy, along with anti-government sentiment."

William Null: "William was also photographed at a February 2017 protest against President Trump's Executive Order 13769, held by the Equality Caucus of Genesee County in Flint. He and members of the Michigan Liberty Militia were counter-protesting while wearing military fatigues, carrying firearms, and waving a Gadsden flag. William also allegedly made threats against the protesters on Facebook"

Wolverine Watchmen is described as a far-right militia because of the opinions expressed by their members, and their history of action against people and movements typically associated with the left.

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