Trump has received a lot of attention for his recent campaign comments regarding the second amendment. What will be the implications for his campaign?

Implying that the "Liberal Media" is the only ones to engage in such behavior?

The US is a well educated nation, yet for some inexplicable reason you've got large portions of your population believing that Obama wasn't born in the US, or that he may be a secret muslim, or that he's somehow (never really had this part specified to me, what with congress and whatnot) going to take all your guns away.

Don't get me wrong; I am not denying bias in the media. I am denying the picture you're trying to paint in which the liberal media is a slanderous machine of lies and deceit.

Hell, the "Liberal Media" should be happy a candidate like Trump is running since they actually don't have to lie any more. Y'see, a very reasonable interpretation of his specific words is that he's calling for people with guns to do something about Hillary appointing judges in an attempt to tighten gun control.

Now what that "Do something" is depends on how kind you are to Trump, and that's why it was a boneheaded thing to say to the public because it can so easily be misconstrued. The sooner Trump realizes that he shares some responsibility for what people hear the sooner he'll become a realistic candidate instead of a sad joke.

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