Trump says he may not accept the results of the election if he loses. George H.W. Bush wrote this note to Bill Clinton 20 years ago when he lost the election after only one term.

The fact that so many people refuse to even acknowledge her treasonous flaws here only proves to me that something is wrong with America right now

Hi, I'm a libertarian Brit with a similar keen interest in this whole mess.

I agree with much of what you say. Especially the wilful ignorance of Hillary's record. Trump could've nailed her on anything from Bosnia, Haiti, Bleachbit, 1993 healthcare reforms, hypocrisy, Benghazi, pay to play... stuff which would end most political careers. Or at least, a shot at the presidency. But all Trump can do is lack nuance and say stuff like 'Hillary's career is a disaster', which is easily dismissed.

This wilful ignorance translates to blind ignorance for a lot of the electorate who are told what to think by her campaign and the media.

Even at a time where Obama complains about the amount of influence money buys in politics, It still begs the question... is this wilful ignorance worth it, this one time, to ensure Trump is not elected?

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