Trump ‘Very Bitter and Sensitive’ About Puerto Rico

Yes, but you're unlikely to be suffering because of your whiteness, but more because of another reason, such as being poor or some other class that greatly lowers your luck in life.

It's more like "being white gives you higher luck in life, but being poor lowers that luck so drastically that it goes negative". Life is full of luck or difficulty modifiers that are positive or negative, and the advantages that come with the modifiers, "straight", "white", "male", could easily be wiped out by modifiers like "poor", "sickly", "disabled", or "lower class upbringing". And there are a lot more negative modifiers with bigger penalties than positive modifiers can give. And sometimes luck still hits that "completely fucked" roll despite one's best efforts.

This is a major oversimplification of how various factors have an impact on your life, opportunities, and such, but it's as best as I feel I can describe it and understand it myself.

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