Tumblr's idea of a perfect fantasy story

Dragons: Dragons are huge, flying, firebreathing, solitary reptiles. They move around frequently, possibly to and from lands unknown. They are of animal intelligence. They are mundivores, meaning they can derive sustenance from pretty much anything they can put in their mouth - animals, people, trees, rocks, whatever. When one moves into an area inhabited by people, those people have a choice to make - either move out, or kill it. Deciding to kill it usually means an effort on the part of the entire tribe. Learn its movements and hunting patterns, and then ambush it. Preferably in an area with lots of cover - dragons hunt by swooping down, breathing fire, and devouring anything unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast. While it takes a few minutes to be usable again, that's usually less time than it takes to take one down, by peppering its vulnerable underbelly and wings with arrows or javelins to ground it, and then dogpiling it with the tribe's best warriors. One dragon can feed a smaller tribe for months, but every part of it is useful - its hide and scales are extremely tough, its teeth and bones can be made into sharp and resilient tools, and the contents of its stomach sometimes include treasures from far distant lands - alongside the bones of their previous owner. This sometimes means metal tools and weapons. Possibly degraded from digestion, but still leagues beyond the ability of these people to create. Such weapons are treasured above all others and hoarded carefully.

Dragonslayers: That's how it usually goes down. From time to time, however, a dragonslayer will post up outside your camp. These are women who kill dragons as a profession, fearless enough to go into the dragon's lair alone, and kill them there, where they can't escape to the sky. They highly respected for their skills, and their ability to kill dragons without risking however many will inevitably die in the traditional hunt, they are usually given any share of the spoils they request. However, dragon slaying is seen as "women's work," with the implication that only a woman would care so little about the people she leaves behind when her luck inevitably runs out.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - autisticbreezepelt.tumblr.com