Twitter finally permabans FartToContinue

Actually it was the other way around. Fart wrote a conspiracy theory accusing [a youtuber Dodger is friends with] of framing him, claiming this youtuber was the reason Dodger wasn't friends with him instead. It was essentially just a bunch of out of context quotes and random crap that didn't even actually incriminate the youtuber in any way. It was all some elaborate, nonsensical amalgamation of "I'm friends with X, but not Y and X said some good things about me. Therefore, why aren't I friends with Dodger? I'm a good person everyone else is lying." And if I recall correctly the basic premise was that the youtuber was actually the one manipulating Dodger and he had thrown Fart under the bus to gain her favor.

At this point, Fart has a pretty big following since he commented on literally every video on youtube pertaining to gaming/geek culture ever made. Fart's followers then spread his facebook post like wildfire in a very Quinnspiracy-esque fashion. Unsurprisingly, many mediums started removing the topics.

A short while later, Dodger responded with the twitlonger after having chosen to remain silent. This led Fart to do a complete 180, trying to get his following protest Dodger entirely, saying he didn't care about her and that she was a liar. Keep in mind by this point Fart has devoted years of his life to try and befriend Dodger, and a small twitlonger is all it took to unhinge him from that. He stalked her, harassed her, and it was even heavily suggested that he doxxed her because he was "worried."

TB even stepped in to say a few words which sound remarkably strange given the current circumstances.

When GG came around, it immediately reminded me of this. It's surprisingly similar. Man who feels jilted by actions of woman lashes out at her to internet community, community spreads the information and buys into his strange conspiracy theories.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread