Two year old keeps getting running out of bed.

The number of times they do this directly corresponds to the number of times they get attention for it. It can be EXCEEDINGLY stressful seeing your adult only hours dissappear with a child that won't sleep...however... I learned after about kid 3 that it takes about a week to fix. But it involves you doing 99% more work and yielding just that tiny progression. But then it's fixed. 1.) Everytime they get up is an opportunity to re assure them that you love them. 2) every time you tuck them in is a moment you won't get 10 years from now ever again.

Now the rough stuff: 3) tuck ins are the first thing you take away if bedtime isn't proper. They get one with stories and kisses and love, and each subsequent one is leading them back to their room in silence...tucking them in,leave, closing the door. 4) at first the door might open as soon as it closes...this is all you are chasing after. Your goal is to extend the period between door openings until it is 8 hours at night minimum. 5) keep track together as a couple(or on your own). Who/whatever technique gets the most minutes between door openings wins ( and you write down or discuss what worked) 6) explain to your child how bed times work and how important their sleep is that it's the number one focus of the family right now. Explain how everyone will feel great when your child joins the "8 hour big kid club" 7) the first 8 hour night deserves a few baloons and maybe some ice cream or a treat you all love the next day. Nothing wrong with throwing out there what a celebration an 8 hour club membership is for a family

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