Ugly 17 year old, my life was ruined the day I was born.

Hey, I get it. I used to really hate the way I look and more than that I'm also autistic so I'm ugly and in high school people used to constantly "joke" that I'd shoot up the school one day (didn't do that, but I did try to kill myself twice before graduating). I think as I grew up I got more comfortable with the way I look, but to summarize I have invisible eyebrows and a big crooked broken nose and a huge forehead, plus I had braces for most of high school and they put some huge ugly appliances in my mouth before taking them off. In art class I used to draw myself super ugly too; I actually have a self portrait of myself covering my face with the hood of my jacket.

One of my friends in high school felt even worse off because she was overweight, had really thick eyebrows, and had a small crooked nose and crooked teeth and in art class our teacher made her pose for a figure drawing (it's high school so fully clothed) and people were really fucking mean; they drew her as just a couple of circles and didn't even try to draw her.

Anyway now we're out of high school and 1. neither of us are straight so guys' opinions on how we look don't matter 2. we've both kind of found a niche. I work with dogs, she's super witty and she's in school for journalism at the moment. We both have more friends from workplace of 10-30 people than we did in a high school of over 1000 students.

I don't think people ever stop being mean or judgey but when you're able to kind of choose who you get to hang out with you can find people who are actually worth your time.

Also I've made a U-turn since high school and I don't feel ugly anymore. My face is just my face now, I don't hate it. My friend I think still feels self-conscious about how she looks but she's also kind of found a style that works for her and imo she's looked really pretty since like junior year.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread