Under Pete Buttigieg, racial tension has long plagued South Bend's Police Department

I lived in South Bend under Pete Buttigieg. No, I am not Black, but yes, I have Black friends. A lot of Black friends. My wife and I are both of Mexican descent. I have never heard anyone from South Bend complain about racial tensions before this year and this election. Mayor Pete is actually a very popular guy in the city.

This whole town hall fiasco and the shooting of the Black man by a White officer can not be pinned on Pete Buttigieg. He is about as genuine as they come and has had sit down meetings with 2 of my friends (both Black) over some concerns they had about the changing of traffic thru the Eastside neighborhood. They left the meeting his cheerleaders.

I’ve never been out with my friends and ever heard anyone say “Fuck Pete Buttigieg.” Or even gripe about him. Now, suddenly he’s a privileged White man showing apathy to the Black citizens. It doesn’t make any sense.

I’m am not the be-all, end-all of race relations in South Bend, but I am a poly sci major who pays close attention to local politics and I just don’t know where this sudden animosity is coming from.

/r/politics Thread Link - -m.cnn.com