UPDATE: I (21f) don't want my boyfriend (21m) to get in shape

Op I'm going to be brutal but please read through.

In your last post you stated you eat shit and you are unfit truthfully you are probably a fat lazy fuck who has nothing going for her except for the fact that you have a bf who actually is currently suffering from something. He has found a charge in his life that can hopefully better him through mind body connection. His anxiety can stem from the fact that he feels like a bum wasting his life watching Netflix and eating shit.

I too was in your position in high school I played lacrosse, football, and basketball so I was usually in shape but not the best to my ability. I am 6'5 so I know if I ever got muscles I'd essentially be Adonis on earth but I never did because I was a lazy fat fuck. After high school in would have pig out sessions and watch a Korean or Chinese action flick with my younger brother. Rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, pizza, cake,etc.. That was all in one night. Eventually my Lil bro stopped joining me, he found his way to a gym and his way of eating shit was over. In two years he got the muscles I dreamed about.

You wanna know the most fucked up thing I did? I would offer him McDonalds and shit to take him off his path but he never fucking wavered. He cooked his own meals day in day out and got what he worked so hard to get, while I played Mr fatass obstacle. One day he asked me a ride he got in and the first thing he said to me was you're fucking sloppy these were words I used to call drunk slobs at a bar who couldn't carry themselves.

How did I get sloppy? I got comfortable I may not have looked as fat as other people but I sure as shit felt it. My mind would tell me you're not that big but I sure as shit wasn't fit. I was sloppy best word to describe me. Op that is what you are a fat ass sloppy obstacle. You're disgusting so you need to make sure those around you are disgusting so you can feel equal. This is why I hate this fat acceptance bullshit its a fucking mask to keep everyone from looking the best they can.

Personal satisfaction is the death of continued self improvement. You can enjoy these years eating food and when the time passes and losing ten pounds takes a year because your body isn't as young as it used to be then you will bitch about how hard it is to diet. Or you can workout with your boyfriend your choice either help him or fuck off.

As for me and my lazyness I've kicked that shit out. I may not have my Lil bothers physique but I can run three miles without stopping

/r/relationships Thread