::update:: child is two weeks into kindergarten and the teacher already suggest he needs to repeat and has ADD

My parent have been teachers for over 30 years. They have never suggested a parent to medicate their child so make their job easy.

Living in a first world country has its advantages of course. But I think over diagnosing children and medicating them to make the job easier and have perfect little children sitting quietly all day and cooperating with everything they are asked to do is just ugh.

Children come in different packages. Some are more active than another children. My parents used to have classes of 40+ children ages (6-12) and they have told me kids learn different way, if you are a good teacher you figure it out.

I refuse to medicate and drug my children to fulfill the teacher's dream of having perfectly quiet cooperative children. Have you seen what's in the drug children with ADD take? No way!

There's millions of teachers out there doing their job where ADD medication is not an option or is not available. So why does America need to medicate their children if other teachers seem to be doing the same job without drugging their children?

/r/Parenting Thread